Saturday, May 9, 2020

King s Ghost By Adam Hochschild Essay - 1521 Words

King Leopold’s Ghost, by Adam Hochschild , shows that the violence in Africa has gone rampant and the civil discourse is an effect to the cause of colonialism. Although he does not have a life devoted expertise to the Congo, his research and background was thorough and descriptive. Conrad’s Heart of Darkness served as a primary influence to many people who seeked to further their knowledge on the predicaments surrounding the Congo. On the contrary, rather than displaying literary occurrences, he portrayed creativity in a hypothetical scenario to draw readers attention. Edward Said, author of â€Å"Two Visions in the Heart of Darkness†, provides commentary on the work of Conrad exclaiming that Conrad provided readers a sense of humanity to the inhumane treatments regarding colonization by European powers. Said understands that the primary theme of Conrad’s Heart of Darkness lies in the dissonance of culture and purpose of these African citizens as a result of imperialism. Said and Hochschild have polarizing views on the circumstances regarding the Congo.The suffering conditions with respect to how the brutality and violence are described very well challenges the reader to determine the underlying theme in both the work of Said and Hochschild . Conrad primarily focuses his attention on the immorality regarding colonialism and the attempt to change a culture and use humans as a means to an end. Nonetheless, his view of Africans still stem from a condescending perspective whichShow MoreRelatedKing Leopold s Ghost By Adam Hochschild1036 Words   |  5 PagesThe late 1800’s marked the peak of imperialism throughout Europe, primarily Africa. As a new century began to evolve, many European powers aggressively decide to surmount their power in many parts of Africa. More specifically, King Leopold’s journey to conquer the Congo and exploit the lucrative rubber/ivory market accurately describes the forced efforts of tyranny. 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