Friday, May 22, 2020

Looking for richard Documentary Movie Free Essay Example, 2250 words

Richard was there to woo and seduce her by dishing out blatant lies. She fell on the trap and later married him which signaled her end. Then there was the scene involving the Duke of Clarence (portrayed by Alec Baldwin), Richard’s brother, meeting his pathetic end, a victim of his brother’s lust for power. Kevin Spacey was also there portraying the once faithful Buckingham who was used and abused but still fell prey to Richard’s murderous rage. Then lastly, Richard met his match in the form of the Duke of Richmond (played by Aidan Sassot 3 Quinn) who ended his life after he was thrown off his horse. Richmond succeded to the throne and became Henry VII, the first of the Tudor kings and queens. The Movie’s Message The movie has a double-edged message. We will write a custom essay sample on Looking for richard Documentary Movie or any topic specifically for you Only $17.96 $11.86/page Yes, He might allow the sinful to rise and bask in his stolen glory but He will soon smite him and provide his swift descent to his tragic end. But prior to that, he should realize the folly of his misdeeds and must suffer psychologically for these sins. This is what exactly Richard III experienced. Another message is that providence or fate cannot be escaped by anybody. As they said, it’s all written in the stars. Providence rules our lives. The wheel of fate carries one to its highest apogee and then hurls him down as it takes its precipitous descent. Richard III’s wheel of fate starts its climb as he manipulates people, plots and schemes and engineers devious acts designed to wrest crown and power from his brother King Edward IV and his rightful successors, his two little nephews. He then started to murder everybody who might be thorns to his burning ambition. First to fall was his brother Clarence, the Queen Elizabeth’s brothers Gr ey and Rivers, then Lord Hastings and eventually his nephews. Even his once-faithful minion, Buckingham had to join the litter of corpses strewn in his path, all sacrificed in the name of avarice, greed and lust Sassot 4 for power.

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